​​​​​​​We have successfully participated in the SMART NATION EXPO in Kuala Lumpur

Date:12-12  Hits:457  Belong to:News
Future Elements Technology PTE is an innovative provider of GIS platform software and services, headquartered in Singapore. Smart building big data visualization system:Discover the advantages of using our self-developed GIS technology, designed to unlock the full potential of your data. By seamlessly transforming complex geospatial data into actionable insights, our original solution empowers you to make informed decisions that drive efficiency and growth. Elevate your operations and thrive in a data-driven world.We are already members of the following associations: The Singapore Business Federation & Defence Industries Association DEFINA & Pro AudioVisual & Lighting Integration Association. We are confident that we can provide you with timely and efficient service!
We have successfully participated in the Professional Audiovisual & Entertainment Lighting Technologies Exhibition and Conference for the Growing Southeast Asia Market
We have successfully participated in the SMART NATION EXPO held at MITEC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from November 19 to 21, 2024. Thank you for your presence.smart nation expo

Independent original GIS


Mobile:Benjamin.Tay@mtouchmap.com xethan313@gmail.com

Telephone:Benjamin.Tay@mtouchmap.com xethan313@gmail.com

Email:Benjamin.Tay@mtouchmap.com xethan313@gmail.com

Address:77 Robinson Rd, Level 2 D10 Singapore 068896